Excuse Me!

“Excuse” is a powerful word.  It provides us with a rationale for doing – or more often, not doing – something we know we should do or something we know we probably should do, but don’t really want to do.  We often make excuses become our truth. 

What excuses do you have regarding your vitality? 

How often have you wanted to improve or change your food plan, start an exercise program, look at some options for reducing your stress, but rather, you’ve used an excuse:

  • I don’t have time to cook.
  • My child has practice, class, a lesson.
  • I don’t have the money.
  • Work is too demanding right now.
  • etc. etc.

I’ve done it myself.  Sometimes I get so caught up in my work, I tell myself it’s more important to get it done, than to head out to the gym.  But, who really suffers from this excuse?  The work will always be there….my health status – maybe not.

Debbie Ford, in her online blog titled, “The Best Year of Your Life,” gives some suggestions for overcoming these excuses by asking yourself these questions:

  1. How long have I used this excuse?
  2. What would really happen if I stopped using this excuse?
  3. If my life depended on it, could I stop using this excuse?

Think about these questions and do an honest introspective.

If you use an excuse repeatedly that’s affecting your well-being, consider stopping its use.  Start today!  Put yourself first for a change and see what happens.  You might really like it!

If you want help with this, give Full Circle Vitality a call, or shoot us an email – no excuses!

To Your Vitality!


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