Welcome to Part 2 of our Food Rules!  This installment builds on last week’s blog article, so if you missed it, be sure to go to our website and check it out after reading today’s blog

Moving forward, below are additional tenets of wellness and eating that are SO important to try to follow.  Consider trying a few of these, if they apply, as a way to begin to regain your health in 2017!

  1. Avoid foods that have lots of sugars in them.  There are over 40 types of sugars used in food processing (email us if you want a list of them!).  Sugar is really addictive – the more we eat, the more we want. 
  2. Avoid artificial sugars and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), too.  Artificial sugars actually make us hungrier because they are empty, and both of these types of sugars are not recognized by our bodies, which then has a hard time processing them. 
  3. Avoid pretender foods – foods that are fake – like nonfat cream cheese, which doesn’t contain cream or cheese.  These foods are highly processed and foreign substances. 
  4. It’s not really the healthiest food if it arrived through the window of a car (this is a direct Pollan suggestion!).
  5. Don’t eat cereals that change the color of the milk. (again, directly from Pollan)!  This sounds funny, but it is important!  Most cereals aren’t the best health choice anyway, but those that have plenty of food dyes in them, along with lots of refined sugars, are some of the worst choices! 
  6. As above, avoid food dyes added indiscriminately to foods…and to medicines.  There is no nutritious value to a food color.
  7. Eat sweets from nature, not from a can.  Sweets from natural foods – like fruits – also come packed with fiber, which slows their absorption and keeps you feeling full.
  8. Eat your fruit rather than drinking your fruit. Juices provide concentrated sugars, and while it’s more natural sugar, it is still sugar and will give a big sugar rush to your body.

To Your Vitality!

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