Gentle Reminder

Pope Francis issued a statement some time ago that I’ve been saving.  I’ve pulled a few of my favorites from his list.  It’s a perfect ending to our Lent Series of articles.  Take a few of these to heart this week and practice them during this last week of the Easter season…and forever.

This life will go by fast.

    • Don't fight with people
    • Don't criticize your body so much
    • Don't complain so much
    • Don't lose sleep over your bills
    • Look for the person who makes you happy
    • If you make a mistake, let it go and keep seeking your happiness
    • Never stop being a good parent
    • Don't worry so much about buying luxuries and comforts for your home
    • Enjoy, travel, enjoy your journeys, see new places, give yourself the pleasures you deserve
    • Don't put away the fine glassware. Utilize the new dinnerware
    • Don't save your favorite perfume, use it to go out with yourself
    • Allow dogs to get closer (I kept this in here for my favorite dog, Penny!)

So, take this challenge that is life and do it more, forgive more, embrace more, love more intensely and leave the rest in God's hands. Amen.

Wise words to live by, and perhaps some stress relief?  Take a deep breath and read them again.  Then, go kiss a loved one or call a friend ….

To Your Vitality!

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