My newest grandson, Christian Thomas Holder, pictured here, was born last week. 

Christian came gently into the world, and has been sleeping fairly well since he arrived – his parents report he sleeps probably 20 hours in a 24-hour day, but in one to two-hour increments.  I’m not sure where the phrase, “sleep like a baby” came from, because new parents are normally very tired!

Americans are chronically tired.  If you feel sleep deprived on a regular basis, consider this:

  • Sleep renews and refreshes your brain. Help yourself by trying to get more sleep.
  • Sleep strengthens your immune system. Have you ever had a series of nights of little sleep, only to get sick a few days later?
  • A lack of sleep can make you overeat, too – and you’ll usually choose foods that are fast, cheap, easy or fake, because, well, you’re tired!
  • Too little sleep puts you at risk for obesity and has been associated with high blood pressure, diabetes and depression.
  • Not getting enough shut-eye prevents the release of leptin and ghrelin, two appetite hormones that can cause weight gain if unregulated.

Try a few of these tips to help get the best sleep possible:

  1. Try to relax before bed. Allowing even just 10 minutes to wind down with some type of reading material (that isn’t on an electronic device) may help you in getting more restful sleep.
  1. Turn off your devices – aim to do this an hour before you go to sleep. The light emitted from our electronics can interfere with melatonin production, one of our sleep hormones, and can prevent you from falling asleep or staying asleep.  Turning off these devices will also signal to your body and brain that it’s time for sleep!
  1. Take a relaxing Epsom salt bath before bed, several times per week. In addition to relaxing you, Epsom salt, which is magnesium sulfate, is detoxifying and the sulfate is great for your brain!
  1. When you wake up in the morning, get up and get out of bed! The snooze alarm has done more harm than good for our sleep.  I know it’s nice to push that buzzer several times, but once you are awake, you really won’t fall back into a restful and healthful sleep.  You’ll just fall enough into sleep that when you do wake up, you’ll be really tired!  It’s a better tactic to just get up, and then try to get a power nap in later if you are able!
  1. And, speaking of your alarm, if you use your cell phone as an alarm, move it off your pillow and away from your head while you are sleeping. Cell phones emit electromagnetic fields that can disrupt your sleep, and possibly your health. And, if your phone is turned on and buzzing all night, your sleep is going to be affected.  Put your phone under your bed or in a bedside table drawer.  Try to get uninterrupted sleep by using your privacy setting to filter incoming calls, emails, texts, etc.

While we don’t think Full Circle Vitality Group is dull and boring, we have some great tips that will put you to sleep!  Wake up and give us a call!

To Your Vitality!

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