My darling grandson, MJ, and I have been spending some time together each week.  After a visit, I’m exhausted smile.  And I consider myself in fairly good physical shape. But, wow, does this little guy move!

MJ is 17 months old, and full of energy.  He runs/toddles everywhere, rarely stopping!  His newest favorite activity is to go up our stairs -  run - “run, Mimi!” down the hall, turn around and head back down the stairs…all with dutiful Mimi following behind. 

MJ is curious, and can squat down to look at something as if his legs are made of rubber bands.  He delights in just about everything – trying to find birdies, puppies and planes through our windows, and loving when he is successful.  He laughs a lot, at us and himself. 

MJ loves to eat, too, but when he is full he is “done!” and that’s that! And, he’s thrilled to be his age – he seems to revel in the fact that he will soon be a big brother.

When MJ encounters an obstacle in his toddling, it doesn’t stop him.  Oh, no!  He goes over it, around it, or under it, if necessary.  It isn’t something that deters him from his quest to go somewhere or get something. 

Experts say if we adults acted more like children, moved more like children, and thought more like children, we would be healthier and happier. I agree! Studies have been done about how rarely adults laugh in comparison to children.  Some of this might be due to the fact that adults have “adult” issues, stress and daily problems.  Sounds fair.

But, I challenge you to begin to act like a child again.  It could improve your vitality dramatically.  It is really easier than you might think.  Consider some of these ideas:

  • Stop saying, “I’m getting old” or “This is what happens at my age” or similar phrases. Your brain begins to listen to these messages and sends them out to your body, and you will, indeed, feel old! Instead, start saying how great you feel….and leave age out of the equation.
  • Move more! Get down on the floor and stretch.  Take any stairs you find – even if you do it “MJ Style” but using one foot at a time.  Get a ball and play outside – kick it around, or play tennis, or join a kickball league!  Find a child and play with them – you’ll both be happier for it.
  • Eat when you’re hungry…but only when you’re hungry. As adults, we often eat from boredom.  Eat good, filling, healthy meals, and you shouldn’t be hungry in between meals, or at night.  And, drink plenty of water – oftentimes, we are thirsty, not hungry.
  • Don’t let obstacles deter you from your desire for better health and vitality! Devise some steps to conquer those obstacles – just like MJ, make them minor inconveniences.

Sound daunting?  Give Full Circle Vitality Group a call – we can help you!  We’re all about healthy living.  You probably won’t get to meet MJ if you come for a visit, but I have plenty of photos!  HaHa!

To Your Vitality!

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