Not a heart month column…but a little ditty about survival, and the gift that surviving any type of traumatic event can provide – a second chance.  And the month of February can be traumatic for a lot of people!  Tee hee…

The inspiration for this article comes from a survivor of the “Miracle on the Hudson,” a popular movie that was recently shown also as “Sully,” starring Tom Hanks.

When we are given a second chance at something, we often make a lot of promises to ourselves.  The survivor of this crash provided personal lessons from what he called a “gift of survival.”

He writes that he finds he is already more patient and forgiving, less critical and judgmental.  Getting a second chance can do that to a person.  The gift of survival this young man received taught him lessons, paraphrased here, we can all learn from:

  1. Cherish your families and loved ones
  2. Make it your mission to keep your promises.
  3. Be thankful and grateful and appreciate everything you have and don’t worry about the things you don’t have.
  4. Keep in shape.  You never know when you’ll be called upon to save your own life, or help someone else save theirs.
  5. When you fly, wear practical clothing.  You never know when you’ll end up in an emergency or on an icy wing in flip flops and pajamas, and of absolutely no use to yourself or anyone else.

    We will add:

  6. Regain your health by eating better, moving more, sleeping soundly, and treating yourself well!

If you are struggling with how to eat healthfully, how to reduce life’s stresses, how to regain good sleeping habits, and how to improve your vitality, give us a call!  We can help you with a second chance!

To Your Vitality!



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