The holiday season is upon us, and this can cause increased stress for many people.  If you’re one of them, rather than reaching to your medicine cabinet for a drug, you may want to try nutrition for relief!  According to Healthkeepers magazine, stress-busting foods can help you feel better, rebalance your stress hormone levels (men and women), and keep you from eating excessive empty calories.

Try some of these the next time you feel your stress levels rising:

  1. Oranges.  Research shows these can help your blood pressure and stress hormones return to a normal level.
  2. Apricots.  These contain a natural muscle relaxant, plus magnesium – both stress reducers.
  3. Turkey.  The tryptophan not only makes you sleepy after a big dinner, it can help you relax anytime. 
  4. Salmon.  This yummy fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep levels of cortisol and adrenaline, two stress hormones, at an even level.
  5. Walnuts and Pistachios.  Walnuts are known to help lower blood pressure while pistachios help with blood pressure and provide vitamins B and E, which fight stress, too. Nuts are a great source of energy-producing protein, too, to keep you revved to get everything done!
  6. Exercise and Breathing.  Not foods, but an easy way to lower your stress is to engage in regular exercise and b-r-e-a-t-h-e.  Meditation has been shown to be helpful, too. Try my favorite 5-5-5 breath when you feel stressed: breathe deeply for a count of 5-hold it for a count of 5-release for a count of 5.  Repeat 2 or 3 times anytime you need it!

Did you realize stressed spelled backwards is desserts?  Neither in excess is good for you anytime, but especially around the holidays.  Try some of the above foods to keep yourself feeling fit and looking forward to the new year!

To Your Vitality!


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