As we approach the holidays, blessings, thankfulness and gratitude are on the minds of most of us.  While these words are prevalent at this time of year, they are things we should consider every day.   

Our everyday lives can get so hectic that it hardly seems possible to stop to think of the blessings in our lives, much less gratitude for what we have.  We’re busy people!!!  But, blessings can be found in the small gestures, the quiet moments, and the unexpected events.

Ardath Rodale, chief inspiration officer of Rodale, Inc., is a wise woman who tells us to take a breath and express thanks for all we have. Did you know the physical act of saying Grace before meals was once used to help us relax and quiet down in order to help our body prepare to digest the meal we were about to eat?  So interesting! And a good practice!

Rodale also expresses the importance of sharing our gratitude, love, and appreciation for our blessings and sharing the joys of everyday life.  She says it is important to keep our eyes and hearts open to the miracles surrounding us every day.  We just need to look for them.  As you celebrate your holiday, look for your blessings.  They are there.

Think about this as you sit down to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal.

And, if you are looking for a scrumptious addition to your table, try this delicious recipe for natural cranberry relish from one of my favorite nutritionists, Dr. Ida Page, of The Natural Health Improvement Center near Carlisle.  It’s easy, it’s delish, and it’s good for you!


Cranberry/Pineapple Relish

2 cups raw cranberries, finely chopped

1 cup apples, finely chopped

1 cup fresh pineapple, finely chopped

1 T lemon juice

Pinch of salt

1 cup pecans, chopped

Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate.  This relish tastes better if made the day before serving.


Bon Appetit!


To Your Vitality!

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