Here they come!  Before the holiday season hits full swing, take a few minutes to check in with yourself, and form a plan to handle the stress the season can bring.  Many pundits say, “give up an activity” or “just say no to one more thing” and while this is often good advice, do any of us really do this?  So, in lieu of telling you what NOT to do this season, I’m offering some advice on some things you can do to be kind to yourself and weather the season with strong vitality and good health!

Author Anne Lamott once said “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you.” It’s so true! 

If you can do one thing for yourself this holiday season, do this.  Unplug!  Turn off!  Chill out! 

Pick one time (or several, if you can swing it) each week to give you – yourself – yes, just you – an hour to do nothing.  Take a nap, read a book, listen to holiday music, cook something fun that isn’t part of a meal, knit, dig in your garden, fool around with your sweetie …. anything that is pure pleasure to you.  This will go a l---o---n---g way to relieving your stress and rejuvenating your body and soul.

Sounds easy, right?  It can be, if you just put yourself first and devote some time to your health and vitality this holiday season. Then, keep it up the rest of the year, too!

If you want some tips and other ideas on relieving everyday stress, give us a call!  We’re good at napping, especially……

To Your Vitality!



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