“Organic” is a big buzz word today.  It’s easier to purchase organic foods at your favorite food store – more and more supermarkets are beginning to carry organic foods.  However, just because a food is organic doesn’t mean it’s healthy.  The organic aisle can contain “junk” organic foods.  Organic white flour and sugar are still white flour and sugar, and not the healthiest choices.  Read your labels carefully

What exactly does “organic” mean?  Standards set by the USDA ban conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetically modified seeds.  Organic farmers must use 100 percent organic feed, allow their animals to be outdoors, and cannot use growth hormones and antibiotics.  The USDA Organic seal means a product has met the above standards and contains at least 95% organic ingredients.  Commercial farmers apply almost 600 million pounds of pesticide – including herbicides, fungicides and insecticides - annually, according to Janie Quinn, author of Essential Eating. Read that again…

So, why should you eat organic foods?  You will decrease your exposure to pesticides, antibiotics and genetically-modified crops.  Some studies have shown organic foods to be higher in certain nutrients, too – like vitamin C, phytochemicals and omega-3 fatty acids. Some proponents point to the ecological footprint you won’t leave behind either.

I’m a HUGE proponent of eating and drinking organically whenever possible.  Investigate your food sources, and make the best choices you can with the information you have.  Don’t be fooled by the organic label, but choose healthfully.  And, ask Full Circle Vitality Group for help – we’ll go shopping with you!

To Your Vitality!

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