Life moves fast.  We rush, rush, rush.  And, sometimes, others detain us from our quick pace, which makes us need to move even faster!  This can be stressful, to say the least.  If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t move at the pace you are accustomed to, take some advice from the experts.  Relax and live in the moment.

What??  Another thing I have to do??  Think about it, though, how many times have you rushed through something just to hurry on to your next task, without relishing anything you’ve accomplished?  We rush through our lives without being mindful of the moment.  Jon Kabat-Zinn in his book, Wherever You Go, There You Are, details being present in the moment, and savoring it.  Kabat-Zinn tells us that we often fall into an automatic way of living, and don’t savor the fabric of our times, and by doing so, we lose out on a lot of great moments!

The next time you are rushing through your days, stop and pause to relish the present time.  At the very least, take a deep breath and allow yourself to find the calm part of the moment.  It may refresh you and bring a new appreciation to what you are doing.

Practice living in the moment by learning how to do relaxation breathing or take a yoga class – there are so many available! You can try meditation or simply sit still for a portion of each day and just BE. 

Living in the moment is a key piece to keeping your vitality.  Give us a call if you’d like to learn more!

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