My friends Bitsy and Kevin have the cutest little girl named Coraline.  One of Coraline’s favorite requests is a simple H-E-L-P.  If she needs something, she asks, help.  If she wants her parents’ attention, she tells them, help.  She’s even woken during the night, and quietly said, help, so her mom comes in to her bed.  When Coraline says help, she gets action!

This made me think.  Maybe we all need to start reaching out with a simple HELP when we need it.  Do you ever need help?  I sure do!  It’s hard for me to ask for and accept help because I think I can handle it.  Or, selfishly, I think I can do what I need to do better than anyone else.  Are you with me on this?

Do you ever need HELP:

  • Making dinner
  • Cleaning the house
  • With homework…or with home teaching as is the case so often now
  • Coming to a decision
  • At work - on a project, in a team, making a decision
  • Discussing something important
  • With health and nutrition – I’m hearing this a LOT these days!
  • …the list could go on and on.

Why don’t we ask for HELP more often?  Do we view it as a sign of weakness?  Maybe we don’t want to burden others?  Have we been taught to figure it out alone?

Whatever your reason, if you find yourself needing help with anything, consider being like Coraline and asking, help! Her mother tells me it’s fairly effective, and whatever help is needed is given and life goes delightfully on.  Think about making your request for help the next time you can use it.  See what happens.  You may be pleasantly surprised!

We can HELP with your health, nutrition and supplementation needs.  Ask us!

To Your Vitality!

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