My family loves sports.  We love to play them, watch them, bet on them, curse them and even coach them!  In homage to the baseball season that may be elusive this year, I thought I’d share a famous quote by baseball great Babe Ruth.  Ruth said, “You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.”

Very true words.  As we continue to endure what has become our life, think about these words, and perhaps emulate them.  Try not to give up!

How are you doing? 

Are you eating healthfully, or have you decided to throw caution to the wind and just eat whatever you want, whatever is easiest to prepare, and the WHOLE package of whatever it is you are making?  Don’t give up!  Eat lots of veggies and fruits.  Make salads ready to go – cut everything up for two or three at a time, and mix everything together when you’re hungry.  Bake double portions of a casserole and put it into single servings – measurable and easy to reheat. Keep healthier snacks in your cupboards and fridge – nuts, string cheese, mini carrots and celery, Greek yogurt, fruit on the counter.  You can have your very own version of Grab ‘n Go!

Are you moving?  Are you stretching every day?  Or are you becoming a couch sitter, choosing to be sedate rather than using your body to move?  Don’t give up!  Take a walk every day – even just for 15 minutes!  Stroll your neighborhood.  If you have stairs in your home or office, use them.  They can be a great heart healthy tool!  S-t-r-e-t-c-h several times a day.  BREATHE. 

Are you drinking too much coffee, alcohol, soda? How’s your water intake?  Are you over-indulging in the things we normally drink in moderation?  Don’t give up!  Have your morning coffee, but have it as a morning drink rather than all day.  If you like the fizz of soda, try club soda or seltzer water (just watch for artificial sweeteners – use the plain kind).  If you are using alcohol more – and who doesn’t love happy hour at home every day? – have a drink or two, but chase them with good ‘ole water, too. And make sure you have some food with your alcohol to help with absorption.

Be the person who never gives up, even during this crisis we’re experiencing!  In our favorite baseball movies, be like the hero who works hard and overcomes whatever shortfall they face. Keep working hard at your livelihood, and make the most of what you can.  Don’t give up!

To Your Vitality!

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