THAT got your attention, right?  Don’t worry, this is a family-friendly blog! 

I love Tim McGraw’s songs.  One of my favorites is his latest popular one, Humble and Kind.  Among other life tips, like say please and say thank you, Tim Croons, “know the difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with someone you love.” And studies prove this!

Sex, as a physical act is good for your body, but sex as an act of love, as Tim promotes, is even better!  It promotes feelings of happiness, warmth and emotional release, which is good for just about every bodily process.  Having positive relationships, intimacy and regular sex are all factors promoting your health and longevity. Most of this is due to hormones.

Some other benefits of sex:

  • You’ll sleep better thanks to a surge in hormones
  • You’ll relieve stress by releasing oxytocin, a major stress hormone, for hours
  • You might fend off a cold or flu, thanks to higher levels of immune boosting hormones
  • You may protect your breasts – male and female – again, thanks to hormone surges
  • Your heart will thank you.
  • You’ll look younger! Researchers aren’t sure why …..

At Full Circle Vitality Group, we aren’t sex therapists.  However, we like to promote a variety of healthy activities.  Kiss your sweetie every chance you get, and you may be improving your health!  Then, grab a Tim McGraw play list and who knows what might happen?!

To Your Vitality!

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