My first household cleaning tip is to get someone else to do it! 

In lieu of that, try some of these tried and tested products to clean and maintain your home.

  • Use Coca-cola to clean your toilet. Pour America’s favorite beverage into the bowel, let it sit for a few hours, then flush it down!  The acid in the cola will get rid of everyday stains.  Stains in your stomach?  Hmmm….
  • Cola can also be used to remove stains from your driveway and sidewalk. Police use it to get blood off surfaces after accidents.  Gross!
  • Love to cook fish? Mix 3 T white vinegar with one cup water and boil for a few minutes.  You can also add some lemon juice or lemons.  You’ll be smelling sweet in no time and won’t be inhaling toxins from an air freshener!
  • For a less toxic drain cleaner, use liquid dish detergent. Run some hot water in your drains, squirt the dish detergent in them, let this sit for about 30 minutes, then run hot water again. Do this once per week, and you’ll have squeaky clean drains.
  • If your white tee shirts have yellow stains under the arms, it can give you a headache. Rather than take an aspirin, crush up an uncoated one and mix it into a little warm water.  Rub this mixture on the stain, let it sit for a few hours, then wash normally.  The stains should disappear, along with your headache. Laundry is enough to give anyone a headache!
  • Sprinkle cinnamon and cayenne pepper around your house to repel ants. You can also plant lavender – ants don’t like it.
  • If some of your yard equipment, or even your automobile, has paint scrapes, use an energy drink (such as Red Bull) to remove the paint. Wonder what it does when you mix it with vodka in your body? This gives a new meaning to Painting the Town Red…😊.
  • Do you have copper utensils, pots, or even fixtures in your kitchen? Polish with a thin coat of ketchup.  And, it doesn’t matter if it is loaded with high fructose corn syrup – your house metals don’t mind.  Your body might….
  • Add Mountain Dew to the water in a vase of roses – it will keep them fresh. Mountain Dew in your veins makes them wilt.  Sort of just kidding – sugars in your veins is not good.
  • To get tough stains off plastic or glass, fill the container with water and drop in an Alka-Seltzer tablet. It will fizz off the stain.  Fizzy isn’t the best for your insides though.

If you’d like more tips on natural home cleaning tips, give us a call!  We can provide this as an office wellness presentation, too – so your whole working space will be clean as a whistle!

To Your Vitality!

Many of the above tips taken from “Amazing Tips to Make Your Smarter.”


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