May 6 is No Diet Day (according to author Sandy Silverthorne)! 

I think every day should be No Diet Day.  Think about it…. what are the first three letters of D-I-E-T?  You got it!  Diets just don’t work in the long term.

I’m teaching a great nutrition class at Central Penn College this term, and this week’s chapter offers some basic foundational principles of a healthy eating plan.  Thanks to the authors of the textbook (Sheila Tucker and Vera Dauffenbach), I’m going to discuss these principles.

Here are some things you should strive for in your daily eating plan:

  1. Balance. Balance in your eating means you are getting a sufficient quantity of each type of food, allowing you to eat all the nutrients you need from your foods.
  2. Moderation.  This means you are eating foods lower in less than healthy fats, added sugars, unhealthy seasonings, food dyes, and processed ingredients.  Moderation provides for an occasional treat.
  3. Variety.  Variety allows for foods from each food group each day – not eating the same food over and over again.
  4. Adequacy.  This refers to an adequate amount of food, high in nutrients, and sufficient in calories to satisfy your hunger, but not over-eating.
  5. Nutrient density. It’s always advisable to eat foods high in nutrition with a lower caloric load – more bang for your buck, than eating foods low in nutritional value and full of empty calories.
  6. Enjoyment.  Yes, believe it or not, you should eat foods that are good for you that you enjoy.  If you really don’t like, kiwi, for instance, even though it’s good for you, don’t eat it!

I add that the foods you eat must be digested and absorbed, so eat them slowly and savor them.  Then, evaluate hunger, and only eat how much you need to feel full.

It’s so helpful to use a Food and Lifestyle Journal (call us – we’ll send you a copy!) to help you track your nutrition, hydration, stress, sleep and movement – the five tenets of a sound lifestyle plan.

Think about the above principles and incorporate them into your daily life.  And, think before you d-i-e-t.  Give us a call first.

To Your Vitality!

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