Laughter in the workplace

Laughter, especially in the workplace, is the subject of much scientific study and a big topic of conversation in business theory today.  Health experts say that fun in the workplace is essential to good health and productivity, promotes teamwork, and can increase morale and job satisfaction.  Laughter can be liberating, inspiring, and just plain good for you!  A study done by Dr. Marian Bressner showed that the amount of humor and laughter in a person’s life had a direct correlation to their physical wellness. 

This doesn’t mean you have to be the office clown, or constantly tell jokes in the staff room, or never have a serious moment.  What it does suggest is that you don’t have to take yourself seriously all the time.  Lighten up!  Have some fun!  Laugh!  It might keep you healthy…and happy.

The next time you are feeling down or sluggish and need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, or a good laugh at the office, consider the following calorie-burning activities that don’t require physical exercise:

  • Beating around the bush: 75 calories
  • Jumping to conclusions: 100 calories
  • Climbing the walls: 150 calories
  • Swallowing your pride: 50 calories
  • Passing the buck: 25 calories
  • Dragging your heels: 100 calories
  • Pushing your luck: 250 calories
  • Bending over backwards: 75 calories
  • Jumping on the band wagon: 200 calories
  • Running around in circles: 350 calories
  • Eating crow: 225 calories
  • Tooting your own horn: 25 calories
  • Climbing the ladder of success: 750 calories
  • Throwing your weight around (depending upon your weight): 50-300 calories

Ha Ha!

To Your Vitality!

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