Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 25 November 2018 25 November 2018

Change is a six-letter word that spells D-I-F-F-I-C-U-L-T. 

Many of us desire to change something – our jobs, our living space, our relationships, our bodies.  However, this six-letter word often prevents us from doing so.  Change can be difficult and we usually don’t want to do it!  Darn it!

Several of my recent daily calendar page quotes have addressed change.  One is very poignant and gets directly to the point – “If you want your life to change, change what you’ve been doing.”  This is so true! 

Often, what we’re doing is making an excuse to NOT change. For instance, if you want to change your body – look at what you are putting in to your body:

To change, you have to set a plan.  Establish several goals and how you will achieve them.  Identify why you want to change.  Perhaps you will establish a goal to become better hydrated – a great change to make!  You decide to do this so your joints will feel better and your muscles won’t cramp so much.  To do this:

You’ve just turned CHANGE into CAN!  And then, you move on to another goal!

“Unless some changes are made, your tomorrow will greatly resemble today.” Make your tomorrow better than today!

To Your Vitality!

*quotes from Life’s Little Instruction Calendar 2018.