Written by Robyn Holder * Robyn Holder *
Published: 30 August 2017 30 August 2017

Plants are fun and easy to grow!  They can be helpful to our health and wellbeing, too.  Plants are great things to have in both your home and office.  Trinity School of Natural Health reports people tend to be more energized in rooms with plants. A horticultural journal stated recently people who work in an office that had plants were more satisfied with their jobs, co-workers and bosses! 

Put some green in your living and working space with some of these plants:

Plants help to repel pesky bugs, too.  Some that are helpful to grow outside on a patio or near a pool because they repel bugs, are listed below.  A side benefit is you can use and eat most of these herbal remedies. 

Basil – plant to keep mosquitos and houseflies away

Rosemary – repels fleas and ticks – on humans or pets

Peppermint – keeps away mosquitos, spiders and ants.  Caution:  if you plant this in the ground, make sure you keep it in a container!  I once planted peppermint in my garden, and it took over!

Lavender – the gentle scent is not liked by moths, fleas, flies and mosquitos

Catnip – can help control mosquitos, but you might attract the neighborhood cats (just       kidding!).

At Full Circle Vitality Group, we’d like to plant a seed to help you with your nutritional needs!  Give us a call if you want to grow your health profile, or would like to add some green thinking into your office routine with our wellness presentations!

To Your Vitality!