Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 05 July 2017 05 July 2017

I used to avoid the sun religiously.  I have fair skin, which burned easily, and in my former life, spent little time outdoors.  However, I soon learned the benefits of a bit of healthy sunshine for optimal health, and now try to get a little each day.  The secret is to not get too much sun, but it can happen! 

If this summer finds you with sunburned skin, try some of my favorite remedies, along with a few from a cute book by Yumi Kakogawa, titled, The Little Book of Life Hacks.

Try one or several of these if you’ve basked in the sun too long:

  1. Aloe vera plant. Buy one, and slice a piece of one of the pulp-bearing leaves and rub the gooey contents on your sunburn several times a day.  Sidebar here:  everyone should own an aloe vera plant!  The pulp is great for all kinds of skin ills – cuts, burns, scrapes, rashes, etc.
  2. Mayonnaise – right from the jar. Slather it on several times a day.  It might not completely rub in to the skin, but it will cool the burn.
  3. Yogurt – any kind will do, but make sure it’s nice and cold. Rub it on your burned areas. You can use washed tofu, as well!
  4. Soak a washcloth in milk – preferable milk - to get the benefits of the fat content for your parched skin.  Place the cloth on your skin and allow it to sit for a few minutes. 
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar or white vinegar. Soak some cotton balls (or use another washcloth) in either vinegar and place on your skin.
  6. Witch Hazel. Same as above.  Soak a cloth or cotton balls, and put on your skin.  
  7. Tea bags – any color or kind, but save your wallet, and use plain black tea if you want. Wet the bags and place them in the refrigerator to chill.  Once cold, place on your skin till they lose their coolness.
  8. Slice one cucumber to eat – they’re good for you and are full of hydrating water.  Then, slice another into thin strips or rounds, and place on your skin. 
  9. Lastly, Full Circle Vitality Group carries an amazingly healing cream called Skin Repair Cream that works like a charm to heal skin burns, cuts and/or rashes. It sells for $33 for a 1.75 oz. tube – and travels well too! You can check out more about it under the Solutions 4 tab on our website.

Depending upon where your skin is burned, you may have to sit or lie down to use some of these remedies.  While you are doing this, drink lots of water!  Hydration will help your skin – and you – looking better.

Don’t avoid the outdoors, just be careful in the hot sunny days!  If you want to learn more about how the sun can be good for you, give us a call!

To Your Vitality!