Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 14 May 2017 14 May 2017

I just returned from a 6-day seminar where I both refreshed and increased my knowledge of natural health.  It was terrific! I plan to share a lot of the information I learned with you in future blogs.

During one session, one thing that really resonated with me is how dehydrated most of us are! 

Water is involved in every body process and function.  Our bodies are 60% water!  Our brains and lungs are 80% water, and our blood – our lifeblood – is 91% water.  The saliva we use to begin to digest the food that nourishes our bodies is a whopping 95% water!

Water is SO important to our bodies – it lubricates our joints and tissues, it flushes wastes and toxins, it helps to regulate temperature, it moisturizers our skin, helps to create new cells, and balances our pH.  That’s a lot of jobs – and a big requirement for a substance most of us take for granted.

Many of our nourishing foods contain a lot of water, but they aren’t a replacement for good, clean water we simply drink.  It is important to consume half your body weight (in ounces) of water – every day!  So, if you weigh 150 pounds, for instance, you should be drinking at least a gallon of water per day. And, water kept in glass or stainless steel is always better than plastic. 

Back to that dehydration factor most of us experience.  Beware!  A dehydration level of only 2% can cause your muscles endurance and performance can suffer.  Headaches can be caused by only a 5% level of dehydration.  Your heart will begin to race, and you might collapse with a 7% level of dehydration.   

Certain foods we eat and activities we pursue can make our bodies beg for even more water.  So, beware!  Stay hydrated and drink, drink, drink.

Even with my training, I sometimes neglect my water needs.  One thing I try to do if this happens is give myself a physical reminder to drink water.  I keep a tally on my phone, or line up bottles on my kitchen counter to help me remember to drink!  I use a stainless-steel water bottle and fill it up with my filtered tap water (that’s another article!).  And, if it’s easier some days, I grab a plastic bottle of water.  Maybe not optimal, but I get my water in!

If you’d like more information on how important water is to our bodies, or tips on how to drink more water, give us a call!  We’ll have a drink with you!

To Your Vitality!  And Your Hydration!