Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 03 October 2016 03 October 2016

I was at a social function recently which involved food.  Don’t they all?

As I made my choices of food and drink, my dear friend said to me, “Oh, you’re being so good!”  I just smiled, mainly because I am used to this reaction. It wasn’t so much that I was being “good”, but, rather, I was simply making a good, healthy choice. I make the food choices I do because they make me feel good, energetic and ready to conquer the world!  I like to eat healthfully…even if it sometimes means I don’t eat at an event that has poor choices.

But the key here is the word, CHOICE.

Choice is power! Choices can make or break us.

Making any kind of choice can sometimes be very difficult.  It requires soul searching and a determination of your personal status quo, and how a choice might affect this.  Sometimes, making a choice to live a healthier lifestyle can be the hardest of all.  But, I tell you from personal experience, it can be one of the most rewarding choices!

Making a choice to eat healthfully can keep you, well…healthy - and full of vitality!

What do you choose?  I think it’s very simple.  You make a choice to increase your health and vitality, or you choose to eat poorly, continue to over-consume alcohol or tobacco, and choose to ignore the advice of a health professional in lieu of poorer choices. And, you choose to not feel in optimal health.  But, it is your choice.

If you make a good choice, then also choose to stick to it!  Tell yourself every day how powerful you are with this choice.  And, remind yourself of your good choice when you might be faced with things that threaten your good choice…like a social function.  Tell yourself you are strong!  You are powerful!  Remind yourself how good you feel with the choice you’ve made.  And, then stick to your good choice and go conquer the threat!

Call Full Circle Vitality Group if you need help with learning to make better health choices.  We are also strong and powerful!

To Your Vitality!