Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 23 August 2016 23 August 2016

The Journal of the American Medical Association recently reported some interesting statistics: 

More than 75% of the money Americans spend on health care is spent on chronic conditions, such as:

More than 70% of these chronic conditions can be prevented by following a healthy eating plan and lifestyle. 

Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Why don’t more of us do it then?  Maybe it seems daunting, or we feel it requires a huge change in our life.  Not always!

Here are some easy ways you can help yourself get started:

  1. Keep a food journal. This is easy!  Jot down everything you put in your mouth for a week or so.  Many of my clients tell me this is an enlightening experience!  A food journal will give you a good picture of what you are eating and when, and may help you see if and where you need to make changes. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a simple Food and Lifestyle Journal.
  2. Eat whole foods – food as it’s grown. This is easier in the summer, so get started today!
  3. Eat local foods, too. They are packed with nutrition that hasn’t been dampened by a long trek across the country.
  4. Avoid packaged and processed foods as much as possible.
  5. Learn to read labels on any packaged and processed foods you buy and eat. If there is something in your food you cannot pronounce, don’t eat it! Call us if you want help with reading labels.
  6. Aim to get more sleep. Turn off your television, computer, or reader one hour before bed to signal its time to go to sleep.
  7. Practice deep breathing as much as you can throughout the day. Aim to do a few deep breaths every hour on the hour. This is stress relieving and can help your body in so many ways. Use the 5-5-5 breath I love:  breathe deeply (really e-x-p-a-n-d your lungs) for 5 seconds; hold this breath for 5 seconds; fully – I mean fully! – exhale for 5 seconds.  Breath is life to your cells!

Full Circle Vitality Group specializes in lifestyle changes and nutrition plans that can help you increase your health and wellness.  Give us a call to learn more!

To Your Vitality!