Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 06 July 2016 06 July 2016

Our summer season can bring a growth of not only all kinds of yummy foods, but it can be a time of personal growth.  It provides an opportunity for new ideas, new goals and new ways to get healthy. As a holistic nutritionist, I deal with the whole person when I work with someone.  Food is just one part of the puzzle of increasing and maintaining our vitality. 

As part of my education, I took a week long class at St. Andrews Abbey, a monastery in the Mojave Desert in California.  The monks who live in this community practice silence as part of their day.  In respect for their routine, I did as well (those of you who know me may realize how difficult this was to do!).  With silence comes hearing – not just listening, but really hearing.

Acclaimed education author, Parker Palmer, notes sometimes we get so caught up in the busy-ness of life – we forget to savor the silence and we sacrifice many things – one being our internal authority.  Parker calls this “soul work” – not in a religious frame, but the neglect of our wise, inner selves. 

When we can relish and allow our “inner” voice and authority to guide our thoughts and actions, we:

One of my textbooks for this desert retreat was The Rule of Benedict, written by Saint Benedict of Nursia, who tells us, “in order to hear someone speaking softly, we must learn to be silent.  If we are constantly speaking, we cannot hear gentle sounds.”  These gentle sounds might be coming from our family, friends and or co-workers, and are important sounds to hear. 

When your life becomes too busy or overwhelming, take a moment to just sit and savor the silence.  It can be meditative and calming, and perhaps you will hear the gentle sounds.

To Your Vitality!