Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 22 February 2021 22 February 2021

An essential vitamin!  It’s Vitamin Love…coined by one of my favorite nutritionists, Dr. Elson Haas. It absolutely is an essential vitamin, important for optimal health.

Today is our 37th wedding anniversary, so it’s an appropriate blog article, right?!

Vitamin L is found in many forms and in moms, dads, dogs, cats, flowers, birds, friends and in nature.  It is a universal energizing vitamin, and works with all body systems Vitamin L creates positive brain endorphins.  It is extremely important to the body’s healing function and immune system.

Along with vitamin L, there are a number of psychological vitamins:

Physical contact stimulates the release of the aforementioned brain endorphins, which can lessen anxiety and pain. 

There are few, if any, levels of toxicity with Vitamin L or the above psychological vitamins.  The daily requirement varies from person to person – like ALL vitamins!  However, Dr. Elson Haas recommends the following daily doses:  4 hugs per day to prevent deficiency; 6 hugs for maintenance and 10 hugs per day for growth.

To Your Vitality!