Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 04 January 2021 04 January 2021

Isn’t this a funny term?  “Scratch” is a buzz word today – a good one – that denotes things made from, well, scratch. We hear of scratch kitchens, scratch menus, scratch cooking. 

Back before it was fashionable, my dear mother, Margie, made most of her recipes “from scratch.” In my profession, I think we should mostly eat from scratch; however, I recognize this can sometimes be impossible with today’s lifestyles.  Good, wholesome scratch recipes to the rescue!

I will occasionally offer some of my hand-me-down scratch recipes for you!  I hope you will try them and devour them! Most will be able to be made in bulk and frozen for a quick meal in the future.  Here is the first one.  If you have a favorite scratch recipe, send it to me!  I may be able to use it here, and you could become famous!

This Spaghetti Sauce is a time-honored recipe I like to make in the cold winter to use all year!  It’s also one I often make in tomato season, so I can use fresh tomatoes.

Disclaimer:  scratch recipes often take a bit of time, so make sure you set aside an afternoon to really enjoy your time in your kitchen!

Margie’s Spaghetti Sauce

To a large stock sauce pan, add 2 large cans tomato puree, 2 cans tomato paste and 1 can Italian tomatoes. Dilute with a can of water from each can.

Add salt, pepper, oregano and garlic salt – use your judgement on how much (but at least a tablespoon) and 4 bay leaves. Mix everything and start to cook.  You can add up to a ¼ cup of sugan if you wish (Margie did this – I omit the sugar). You can also add your favorite spices.

Brown 2 pounds of ground beef, reserving fat, and add to sauce.

Chop 2 large onions and 2 large green peppers and add to ground beef fat, and sauté.  Add to sauce. 

Cook 6 pork chops in oven or stove top – or use ground pork- and add to sauce. They should break up and crumble in sauce.

Simmer for 3-4 hours.  Use for spaghetti, lasagna, squash, etc.  If freezing, be sure to cool completely before adding to containers.

Coming up in next recipe – Margie’s Lasagna!

To Your Vitality!