Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 23 September 2019 23 September 2019

HaHa!  I have to explain this title!  While working on a new corporate wellness presentation which compares our bodies to our vehicles, I remembered this goofy movie title.  Having never seen the movie, I asked my kids what they thought of the title.  Laughingly, they suggested I NOT use this title for my presentation, but I decided it was catchy!  And, I liked it for this blog.  So there.

I recently had a Happy Hour meeting with a member of my business group, Katy Kreitzer, of Kreitzer's Automotive Service.  Katy is a very neat young woman in a non-traditional field, and her company is exemplary in their work on cars.  Katy and I talked about how we can relate the way we treat our bodies to the way we treat our cars.  Here are some of our thoughts.  Thanks, Katy!

Our bodies are our transportation vehicle.  Think about how you take care of your car – oil changes, tire maintenance, using good gasoline, making sure the radiator doesn’t overheat and is full, washing the outside and vacuuming the inside, and on and on.

Go with me on some comparisons.

Keep your body vehicle running smoothly!  Eat good food, move every day, and take care of yourselves!  If you do, Dude, your body will be your best asset!

To Your Vitality!