Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 24 September 2018 24 September 2018

Peppers, of course! Pickled, but for this article, they are going to be in a casserole.

Peppers, depending upon their color, are rich in Vitamin C and A.  If you opt to use a little bit of hot pepper, you’ll get the benefit of capsaicin, which can be a decongestant, pain reliever, and may help your blood vessels.

One of my family’s favorite meals is from Spiral Path Farms, where I get a weekly delivery of fresh vegetables and some fruit.  Spiral Path always includes a newsletter that details the workings on this organic farm, plus recipes.  Below is one that I’ve adapted.  It is delicious, and freezes well, so you can use up all your peppers – of all colors – pickled or otherwise 😊.

Stuffed Pepper Pot – makes one 9 x 13 casserole (I always double it and freeze half)

Cook 2-3 cups basmati or brown rice (or use quinoa, if desired). You can also omit rice.

Simmer all of the above for about 30 minutes.  You can add 2 c. shredded cheese if desired, but this tastes great as is.  Serve!  I make batches of this recipe and freeze it and we eat it all winter long.  It’s also really good on spaghetti squash or your favorite pasta!

To Your Vitality…and Taste Buds!

REMINDER:  In September you can stock up on supplements or schedule your nutrition services, wellness lunch and learns, or corporate presentations using a credit card.  We don't normally use this form of payment so if credit cards are your preferred method of payment take advantage of this opportunity here in September.