Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 11 August 2018 11 August 2018

I just read that over 50% of Americans do not take their vacation days.  Yikes!  I’ll take them!  And, those that do often work while on their vacations.  Yikes, again!

The word vacation comes from the Latin vocare which means “to be unoccupied.”  Many of us report feeling chronically overworked.  As great as technology is, it has enabled us to constantly be ON.  We need to turn off occasionally.  What do we do with our technology when it just doesn’t want to work?  We turn it off for a while, right?  We need to do this with ourselves.

Think about taking a break, even if just for a day.  I will admit, it’s a hard concept to fathom.  My good friend and Full Circle graphic designer, Bitsy McCann of Bitsy+Design, recently turned off for an entire weekend!  This was so unusual, (but genius on her part), that several of us who work with her were about to call in the fire department to check on her! 

Research has been done on leisure time and shows a positive connection with vacation.  After taking a week off from work, people report sleeping better, having more energy, feeling more optimistic, and having fewer aches and pains.

There is still time left this summer to plan a getaway!  Think about it!

Full Circle Vitality Group will be on vacation next week.  We’ll be back in full force the following week, ready to present a dynamic wellness topic at your next sales meeting, Lunch & Learn or convention, or work with you to improve your personal health.  We’ve gotten good results and acclimations from our recent presentations.  That’s why we’re taking vacation….:).

To Your Vitality!