Written by Robyn Holder * Robyn Holder *
Published: 22 February 2018 22 February 2018

I like to observe the season of Lent by doing something positive, rather than the negative action of giving something up.  I’ve done this for a long time now, and it seems to work for me. 

In this spirit, I will offer a series of articles, like last year, for the next six weeks, on things you can do each week to increase your health and vitality.  Be sure to keep reading!


This week’s goal is to drink more water.  Good, clean, fresh water! Try this for a week and see how you feel.

Our blood – the substance that keeps us alive – is 91% water!  Overall, our body is 60% water.  Water is essential to our body processes – it lubricates our joints and tissues (keeping the uggies away), helps create new cells, and regulates our temperature and body processes, just to name a few tasks water accomplishes within our bodies.

You should be drinking half your body weight (in ounces) of water each day.  Here are some suggestions on how to get your necessary allotment of water each day!

Think of your day in blocks of time.  Have 8 oz. of water at each of these times:

  1. Upon arising.
  2. Before breakfast (add some lemon juice to help your digestion.)
  3. Mid-morning.
  4. Late morning. Set your phone alarm as a reminder
  5. Before lunch.
  6. Mid-afternoon. Set your alarm. Water is a better pick-me-up than caffeine!
  7. Late afternoon.
  8. Before dinner.
  9. Mid evening – before bedtime.

This is a good start for an average 150-pound person.  If you weigh more or less, adjust accordingly. There is no reason you can’t add another serving of water to have 16 oz. servings mid and late morning, or just one 8 oz. serving at those times, depending upon your water needs.

For some variety, add fresh squeezed lemon juice to your water – especially in the morning and evening. Add slices of citrus fruit, cucumbers or berries.  Add a dash of stevia for a touch of healthy sweetness.  If you like color or flavor in your water, add a splash of juice, like pomegranate.  Just make sure your juice is just that – only juice – and add just a splash.

Your body, your skin, your digestion and elimination, your joints, your everything will thank you for the additional elixir! 

To Your Vitality!