Written by Robyn Holder Robyn Holder
Published: 06 February 2018 06 February 2018

While working on my Master’s degree, I had the opportunity to travel abroad with a class.  I debated.  Could I take time from my job?  Could I leave my Sweetie for 2 whole weeks?  Could I spend the money?

Then, while driving one day, I heard Kenny Chesney’s song titled, “Don’t Blink” with lyrics that encourage us to live every moment of every day and take advantage of every opportunity.  I decided right then and there to go to Italy, and even took my daughter, Mary Kate Holder along to enrich my experience (those readers who know Mary Kate will agree she enriches ANY experience!).  I’ve never regretted this decision.

Life is precious.  Treat it that way!  I want you to try hard to live every moment and live it the best you can.  Work hard, and play hard.  Travel!  Go to the mountains.  Go to the beach.  Explore new cities…or your own city.  Spend time with your loved ones.

Your health is precious.  Don’t take it for granted!  A healthy, vibrant body is a gift – cherish it.  Keep yourself in good shape. Some of the most diagnosed diseases we experience can be alleviated simply by improving your health.  Eat well.  Eat good food.  Eat real food.  Move your body.  Drink lots of good water and maybe a glass of wine or beer occasionally.  Kiss your loved ones every day!  Take time for yourself, and when you make healthy choices, give yourself a small reward.  Make YOU a priority. 

Sounds simple, and honestly, folks, it really is. Don’t blink a healthy life away. Make yourself the best you can be.   

To Your Vitality!